Friday, January 4, 2013


I know it's a tad late, but still...
HAPPY 2013 ALL! 

Usually at the end of the year I would do sum up post, but clearly now it's too late and I've pretty much lost the blogging bug. And most importantly, I blame my lappy that undergo servicing and only received it back today! The spare laptop I used temporary was so new and had nothing inside, no iTunes no programs, let alone my pictures.

In addition, probably because I feel that when you enter poly life, the month of December doesn't feel like how it used to be :'( Hi, welcome to poly life. Not only that, your valentine's day will be ruined, so will your Chinese New Year studying for exams. Sigh (pie) 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105 (Okay, I admit I'm not that awesome to have such a memory. I googled this)...

Hence, for the last 2 weeks of December was the holidays after the exams and I had to make full use of it! Basically spent the full 2 weeks barely rarely staying at home. Hmmmm what have I been doing... 1. Work 2. Neglected boyfriend 3. Catch up with friends 4. Partying 5. Eating and indulging sinfully 6. Work out a couple of times. And in a blink of an eye, I realised the holidays had come to and end! Ahhhhhhh, life...

I wouldn't make new year resolutions 'cos I guess it doesn't work on me and I see myself breaking them eventually and of no effort to achieve them. However, I am going to make a point to stop my habit of having my daily dosage of chocolate and cutting down fast food to once a month (But twister fries just had to be realised now! :( Okay, just not not not seaweed shaker fries pretty please. I'm a big sucker for that, definitely)!

Cheers, and here's a picture of my best gift of 2012:

I'm a blessed bitch xx


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